Mobin Nesiri

Dr Nesiri has been working as assistant professor at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Biruni University since 2017. After initially graduating in dentistry from İstanbul University in 2009, he completed residency program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from Hacettepe University in 2017. Dr Nesiri’s areas of clinical and research interest are dental implantology, TMJ, oral diseases, surgical anatomy, oral pathology, orthognatic surgery, oral pharmacology, maxillofacial abnormalities, craniomandibular disorders and maxillofacial trauma. He has several publications in the peer reviewed literature.

Subperiosteal Implants: Past, Present and Future

Edentulism is a high prevalence disease in elderly patients that has a significant impact on the health status, causing functional and social limitations. In severely atrophied jaws that cannot be treated with conventional dental implants, subperiosteal implants have been suggested as a treatment alternative in cases where methods such as bone graft augmentations, all-on-4 concept, zygoma implants and their combinations are limited due to various complications and prolonging the treatment process. In this presentation, the use and success rates of subperiosteal implants from past to present, possible complications and management methods, and their future role in dental implantology will be discussed in the light of the literature.